It's been a bit of slow going plowing ahead with my work using SMS gateways to make what I think could be a very neat experiment in playing a text-based RPG on any phone, including non-smartphones.
So far, here's what's working.
I can send messages back and forth between an email address and a phone through the use of SMS gateways.
Through the use of the JavaMail library, I can send and read emails using IMAP protocols.
Now, there are two big steps that I see left. First, and foremost, I need to make a Java "server," of sorts, that can detect when our email address receives a new message, and respond appropriately. Then, secondly, I need to decide how to store information about the story of the game and how to progress within the game. But, for now, I think hardcoding something could work as far as my testing purposes go.
I didn't realize until I'd written it up that a lot of progress really has been made! This is exciting stuff.
So far, here's what's working.
I can send messages back and forth between an email address and a phone through the use of SMS gateways.
Through the use of the JavaMail library, I can send and read emails using IMAP protocols.
Now, there are two big steps that I see left. First, and foremost, I need to make a Java "server," of sorts, that can detect when our email address receives a new message, and respond appropriately. Then, secondly, I need to decide how to store information about the story of the game and how to progress within the game. But, for now, I think hardcoding something could work as far as my testing purposes go.
I didn't realize until I'd written it up that a lot of progress really has been made! This is exciting stuff.